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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Top 11 Points for Plantation in Water-The Green Water Revolution is an Alternative in Saving the Soil, Global Warming and Economic Recession

We all understand and accept it that the soil needs rest as we cannot get so many results from it just by using the fertilizers. However, we are trying our best with organic gardening as one of the best solution. It is exceptionally the best, but have we ever thought about water? The water can work as the soil works.

There are not only the plants that we can grow without working as if a gardener, and what else we need just place a plant in water and even our pets can take care of it. When they need food, the plant needs a smiling look, yaw the smile, which is the Green Smile at Home. We shout about plantation of trees, but plantation in water is almost free as compared to plantation in the soil.

Just imagine we have 15 plants in the room appearing as if a garden and we enjoy it without blinking our eyes until it gets green. The green eyes never cry because the plants at home can save us from many disease as these are full of oxygen that is by itself is the essence of aromatherapy and thus many other therapies, which are full of life energy. One may 'fed up', but what about feeding with the plants that give the foods.

Yaw, we talk a lot about vegans and the vegetarianism as if it is the only way left. We can make a parallel and more effective aqua agriculture along with these as people do side and or secondary business with the primary business of the farming.

So, let us not spoil the soil.

We can save water as the AC in the room cannot compete with the 25 water plants in the room. Horrible it may seem as we imagine spending a night in the jungle, however these water plants can give the best joy at home, right in our home. Let us continue it discuss more about it as below.

You see we keep on looking for green place. Well, we may need some ideas that can make us feel Green. Let us make the green water movement with the following points:

1. We want to purify air for improving health and wellness for all, is not it. The plants in water can do it without our little help.

2. We want to make water pollution free and the plants can process the pollution right away and off as water does in our body, it removes the toxins and the chemicals. The water gets pollution free if there are plants in it. How? Just put some words in the search engine: water purification by plants and that is it.

3. Human body has oxygen level that needs a proper balance. The magic is in the proper use of oxygen. Why go to Moon and Mars. We can do it here on earth right now, just plant in water. Just keep searching with the words-water, plants, human oxygen level. Some research on your part can be useful for all, much better than donations made

4. We get so many befits that it is difficult to imagine just check with some words and please never wait for ready made keywords as one may learn more by trail and error than some pet keywords. The useful words lead to the global network of data, information and knowledge, but we need some common sense that is wisdom to learn that the conditioning cannot give. The useful words are water, plants, benefits, humans, life and all that we imagine by correlating it with the plants in water and our needs.

5. We need food and what on earth can give us the best food is not just the fungus and the Spirulina click here to now more.

6. The best foods not only include the Spirulina as one may get lost in the imaginations and dreaming as if going in a rocket with Spirulina and thus having no need for foods, but wait. Just use search engine with aqua foods and see what you find-the amazing world of foods

7. The other factor is the therapeutic uses, just do not rush get all the details for Aqua Therapy and see if the Herbals and other natural products can ever beat it in results as the Spirulina is an example

8. Just putting some words the aqua plants for air purification gives the wonderful information how we can make a difference

9. Global warming and aqua plants have some of the best solutions. Just make your computer do research work for you at home. Some keywords like, aqua plants for handling global warming and some more words that you know can give more information

10. Imagine aqua plants that we can use as bulbs just make some research with the keywords-aqua plant bulbs and find the real light that eyes need.

11. Now, we are ready with to go for the never adventure and the quest of exploring, just enter aqua plants in search engine and find the New Green World

Are you ready now, so we are ready for Green Water Movement for Plantation without labor and work, and if there is something needed it is not more than taking care of the pets? All right. Now, you see in the universe, our home is earth, we get all that we need from it. If we ignore it, and keep on polluting everything around us and within our bodies, at the same time may make all sick.

We may do the worst possible, yaw, alas, we may virtually kill it. There are no ways that seem more useful than plantation in water because as these are so important that our mind shakes the snow. It not only purifies the water, but also the air as these are rooted in water and breathes in air. Now, I strongly feel that the soil needs rest as it has almost finished the task of miles to go before I sleep, and that is only if we happen to ignore it.

Thanks for your reading and thus we understand that it is the need of the hour even more important than a shower.

Please note some of the most useful links include the following:

The amazing uses of plantation in the buildings-


Getting the best from water-

One may use so many words for researching, let us do it. Thanks again!

Copyright by Dr. Harmander Singh-Protected and archived by World_Wide_OCR_dot_com Seal (TM) File, Canada

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